Grocery Store Robbed
Rain then Showers And Thunderstorms
59 °F / 42 °F
Light Rain Likely
55 °F / 42 °F
Light Rain
58 °F / 45 °F
Flag Coin
January 28, 2018


– Dollport's Oldest and Greatest Newspaper –

A Harvest of Mouse Melons

January 28, 2018

NORRISVILLE - Doll gardening had a highly successful year this year with a harvest of mouse melons. These fruits look a lot like little watermelons and taste like cucumbers but a little more sour. The melons were grown on a trellis, not in the scenic part of the Norrisville doll garden, which is dedicated to creeping thyme, lawn daises, a rock garden, and such. ¶

Grocery Store Opens in Meadow Home

January 28, 2018

MEADOW HOME - Here Everything's Doll has open-ed a new store featuring a large number of bulk food bins and spices as well as dry goods such as paper towels, sponges, and soap. The centerpiece of the store is a covered counter subdivided between fish, meat, cheese, and bakery goods. The store has a sidewalk cafe in front and is built with living quarters upstairs, a book-nook tower, a battlement, and a belfry. Dollport Radio has been transmitting from the attic. The store also has lights and a real clock. "We try to have a little of everything you need," said Norman Nicely, "whether it's lettuce and rice for dinner; laundry detergent; or chips, apples, and roses for a very special picnic." ¶

Timothy's Printing Press Prints Doll Books

January 28, 2018

DOLLPORT - Timothy's Printing Press has begun printing full-length books for dolls with double-sided pages and gilt bindings. The first book produced was Pride and Prejudice in four volumes. Master Tims-men gave the first set of this to Catherine in Nebraska and the second to Rebecca. The books were for-matted with Scribus, sewn to cloth backings, covered in cereal box cardboard and scrapbook paper, and edged with gold paint. Timothy's Printing Press also printed the first two books of The New Testament in one volume and typeset but has not finished Two Years Before the Mast, one of Eleanor's favorite books. ¶